Daybreak Community

Located in South Jordan UT, Daybreak is a master planned community on a grand scale. Once complete the community will comprise of approximately 20,000 homes, along with commercial, and retail space.

Walkable Community

Daybreak is designed to be a walkable community, and features large amounts of open space, 22 miles of walking trails (and growing) and even a 67 acre lake. It is designed to balance the social, environmental and economic needs of residents and local businesses.

Old Home Meets New Home

While the homes might look like something you would find in the Historic Avenues or Harvard Yale areas, they are highly energy efficient, featuring energy star and water saving irrigation systems. To encourage people to spend more time outside many of the homes feature large porches, and unsightly garages are tucked away from site at the rear of the homes. Dotted throughout the community are a number of community gardens, where residents can grow their own vegetables.

Daybreak homes come in a wide variety of sizes and styles. You can find large single family homes, townhomes, condos, mansion homes (large property made to look like a mansion but actually contains 3 separate condo homes), Parkside Homes (smaller single family homes arranged around a common green), Paseo Homes and solar powered homes. It even has 2 over 55’s villages.


It you are looking for amenities then Daybreak’s got plenty to offer. Aside from the lake (and the boating and beaches that come with it), you will find a gym, soccer fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, 3 swimming pools, volleyball courts, walking trails, skateboard park, large parks and numerous children’s playgrounds.

Transportation Links

Daybreak also provides excellent transportation links, with close proximity to Mountain View Corridor and Bangerter Highway. It is also connected by TRAX light rail, and features not one but two TRAX stops within the community, providing access to downtown SLC and many others areas throughout the valley.