Daybreak an Eco-Friendly Community
Have you noticed the trend for Eco-Friendly products and services? Green products and services are now everywhere, everything from cars, to appliances and now you can find green homes. A prime example of this is the Daybreak community, located in South Jordan UT. This community is big; in fact it’s the largest new home community in Utah. But big does not mean that it can’t be green.
Energy Efficient Homes
ENERGY STAR 3.0 compliant homes. ENERGY STAR certified homes are designed to deliver energy efficiency savings of up to 30 percent when compared to a standard new home. In order to be ENERGY STAR compliant the home has to undergo a process of inspections, testing, and verification to meet strict requirements set by the EPA. Homes include improved insulation, high efficiency furnaces, air conditioning units and water heaters, and irrigation systems hooked up to a weather station so you only water when needed. For those wanting to go that bit further there are also solar and thermal powered homes.

Walkable Community
Daybreak is a walkable community. It contains schools (over 70% of kids walk or bike to school), TRAX light rail (there are 2 stops in Daybreak), shopping, restaurants, parks, swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer fields, volleyball courts, hospital, and lake, all integrated with 30+ miles of trails. The idea is that nothing is more than a few minutes’ walk away. This is good in a number of ways, it’s better for you because you get exercise walking, running and biking, and it’s better for the environment because you use your car less.

Local Planting
Both the common areas (Daybreak has planned more than 1,000 acres of open space) and residential yards contain native plants and trees which need less water than non-native species. In order to reduce Daybreak’s urban heating effect, Daybreak will plant over 100,000 trees along the streets and in the parks. There are also limits on what people can do in their yards, for example, you can only have a certain percentage of it turfed. In order to enforce these guidelines all landscaping plans (both new and modifications) have to be approved by the HOA landscaping committee. If residents want to grow their own fruit and vegetables Daybreak provide a number of Community Gardens.
Water Conservation
The water used for irrigation in the common areas is obtained through a secondary water collection and irrigation system. In an effort to preserve groundwater resources, Daybreak’s storm water management system is designed to retain 100% of all rain water.
70% of builder construction waste is recycled. In addition to this 100% of the electricity used for the development of Daybreak is from renewable energy resources.
We’re interested in moving to SLC and being a part of your eco village.